20/20 Vision – Make Disciples 建造门徒

Sermon date: January 19, 2020

Scripture: Matthew 28:16-20

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA Joint Service

– I. Why do Christians make disciples? 基督徒为什么要建造门徒?

– II. How should Christians make disciples? 基督徒应怎样建造门徒?

– III. What did Jesus promise to Christians as we make disciples? 在基督徒建造门徒时,耶稣的应许是什么?

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The Significance of Baptism 受洗的意义

Sermon date: November 24, 2019

Scripture: Romans 6:1-12

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA Joint Service

– I. What does baptism symbolize? 浸礼代表什么?
– II. Who is baptism for? 浸礼是为谁设立的?
– III. What is the proper mode for baptism? 什么是合宜的浸礼?
– IV. How can we respond when we observe baptism? 我们对浸礼应如何回应?

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Conviction and True Repentance 知罪和真正的悔改

Sermon date: September 15, 2019

Scripture: 2 Kings 22:1-23:25

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA Joint Service

– I. How can God convict us of sin? 神怎样让我们知罪?

– II. How should we respond when God convicts us of sin? 当神让我们知罪时,我们应当如何回应?

– III. What does it mean to truly repent? 什么是真正的悔改?

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Be a Servant to All 做众人的仆人

Sermon date: July 21, 2019

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 9:19-23

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA Joint Service

– I. What is the purpose of being a servant to all? 做众人的仆人的目的是什么?

– II. What does being a servant to all involve? 做众人的仆人意味着都要做什么?

– III. How can we be encouraged to be a servant to all? 我们怎样激励自己去做众人的仆人?

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A Response to the Resurrection of Christ 对基督复活的回应

Sermon date: April 21, 2019

Scripture: Acts 5:27-42

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA Joint Service

– I. What do we preach in response to the Resurrection? 对复活的回应:我们传讲什么?

– II. How can we be motivated to preach in response to the Resurrection? 对复活的回应:我们怎样才能有动力去传讲福音?

– III. What may result when we preach as a response to the Resurrection? 对复活的回应:我们传讲福音会有什么结果?

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