Wisdom from Above #8 – The War Against Worldliness

Sermon date: November 11, 2018

Scripture: James 4:1-10

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. How does our friendship with the world affect our relationship with God? (3 ways)

– II. How does God respond to our friendship with the world? (2 ways)

– III. How can we have victory over our war against worldliness? (3 ways)


Wisdom from Above #2 – Responding to Our Temptations

Sermon date: September 9, 2018

Scripture: James 1:12-18

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. What is the true source of our temptations?

– II. How can our temptations lead to disloyalty to God?

– III. How can we have hope to overcome our temptations?


Wisdom from Above #1 – Counting our Experience of Trials as Joy

Sermon date: September 2, 2018

Scripture: James 1:1-12

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. Why can Christians count their experience of trials as joy?

– II. How is it possible for Christians to understand this phenomenon?

– III. What can encourage Christians to keep pursuing joy in their experience of trials?


Boast in our Weaknesses 夸耀自己的软弱

Sermon date: September 2, 2018

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 12:1-10

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA Chinese Service

– I. Who may our “thorns” of weaknesses come from? 我们的软弱之刺从谁而来?

– II. Why should we boast in our weaknesses? 我们为什么要夸我们的软弱?

– III. How can we be strong in our weaknesses? 我们怎样在我们的软弱里成为刚强?

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Bear One Another’s Burdens 互相担当各人的重担

Sermon date: May 20, 2018

Scripture: Galatians 6:1-5

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA Joint Service

– I. What does it mean to bear one another’s burdens? 互相担当各人的重担意味着什么?

– II. Why should we bear one another’s burdens? 为什么我们要互相担当彼此的重担?

– III. What should we be careful of when we bear one another’s burdens? 我们在担当彼此重担时, 要注意什么?

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