Letters to the Seven Churches #7 – Open Doors to Preach the Gospel (Philadelphia)

Sermon date: May 24, 2020

Scripture: Revelation 3:7-13

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. Description of Jesus: Christ is the only way to salvation and provides opportunities for salvation.

– II. Commendation: Philadelphia faithfully took the opportunities from Christ to preach the gospel using the little strength it had.

– III. Condemnation: (None)

– IV. Exhortation: Philadelphia should remain faithful to Christ and the ministry opportunities given to it for heavenly rewards.

– V. Promise: Those who conquer through faith in Christ will be permanently in His presence and permanently belong to Him.

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Letters to the Seven Churches #6 – Alive in Relationship with Christ (Sardis)

Sermon date: May 10, 2020

Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. Description of Jesus: Christ is a relational God.

– II. Commendation: (None)

– III. Condemnation: Sardis was alive in works of service, but spiritually dead in a growing relationship with Christ.

– IV. Exhortation: Sardis should be watchful of its spiritual condition and strengthen what it does well.

– V. Promise: Those who conquer through faith in Christ will receive His righteousness and never lose salvation.

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Letters to the Seven Churches #5 – The Struggle with Tolerating Sin (Thyatira)

Sermon date: May 3, 2020

Scripture: Revelation 2:18-29

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. Description of Jesus: Christ is the righteous Son of God.

– II. Commendation: Thyatira continually increased their works of love and service to Christ since the beginning.

– III. Condemnation: Thyatira tolerated false beliefs and sinful practices.

– IV. Exhortation: Thyatira should hold fast to its testimony of faith in Christ.

– V. Promise: Those who conquer through faith in Christ will reign with Christ and receive Christ Himself.

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Letters to the Seven Churches #4 – No Compromises with God’s Word! (Pergamum)

Sermon date: April 26, 2020

Scripture: Revelation 2:12-17

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. Description of Jesus: Christ can use His Word to judge and bring salvation.

– II. Commendation: Pergamum remained loyal to Christ’s name while living in a society that did not.

– III. Condemnation: Pergamum compromised God’s Word with false beliefs and tolerated sinful practices.

– IV. Exhortation: Pergamum needed to repent and return to God’s Word.

– V. Promise: Those who conquer through faith in Christ will be provided for and are accepted by Him.

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Letters to the Seven Churches #3 – Faithful to Christ in Tribulation (Smyrna)

Sermon date: April 19, 2020

Scripture: Revelation 2:8-11

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. Description of Jesus: Christ is the eternal God who cannot be defeated by death.

– II. Commendation: Smyrna endured harsh tribulation and became spiritually rich in Christ.

– III. Condemnation: (None)

– IV. Exhortation: Smyrna should not fear, but be faithful to Christ even to death, no matter the circumstances.

– V. Promise: Those who conquer through faith in Christ will not be eternally separated from God.

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Letters to the Seven Churches #2 – Remember Your First Love (Ephesus)

Sermon date: April 5, 2020

Scripture: Revelation 2:1-7

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. Description of Jesus: Christ has authority over all and intimately knows His churches.

– II. Commendation: Ephesus persevered in serving Christ and defending the truth of Scripture faithfully.

– III. Condemnation: Ephesus had knowledge of Christ and service for Christ without a loving devotion to Christ.

– IV. Exhortation: Ephesus needed to remember their relationship with Christ from before, repent, and repeat their works of loving devotion to Christ.

– V. Promise: Eternal life is given to those who conquer through faith in Christ.

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Learning the Consequences of Pride

Sermon date: March 8, 2020

Scripture: 2 Chronicles 26:1-23

Pastor Daniel Carl Ferritto II, Ph.D

CCCGA English Service

– I. As Uzziah obeys God, he is blessed.

– II. Our pride drives us to do things which God tells us not to do.

– III. Faith opposes pride.

– IV. God judges Uzziah’s disobedience.

– V. Is God pleased with partial faith?

– VI. Learn the Lesson of Uzziah’s Evil.

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Faith in Troubled Times #4 – The Gospel in Habakkuk

Sermon date: February 23, 2020

Scripture: Habakkuk 2:6-20

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. What makes sin so horrible?

– II. How does God respond to sin?

– III. How can God be both loving and just?

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Faith in Troubled Times #2 – The Righteous Shall Live By Faith

Sermon date: February 2, 2020

Scripture: Habakkuk 2:1-5

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– What does it mean to live by faith? (2 ways of understanding)

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Faith in Troubled Times #1 – Responding in Troubled Times

Sermon date: January 26, 2020

Scripture: Habakkuk 1:1-11; 2:1; 3:17-19

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– How should we respond in troubled times? (3 responses)

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What Is Most Precious To You?

Sermon date: January 12, 2020

Scripture: Matthew 13:45-46

Pastor Daniel Carl Ferritto II, Ph.D (Capital City Rescue Mission)

CCCGA English Service

– I. Christians are citizens of God’s Kingdom.

– II. Christians know what they are looking for.

– III. Christians seek that which is of great value.

– IV. Christians find that which is of great value.

– V. Christians will give anything away to possess Christ.

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Joyful Life in Christ #9 – Rejoice Because of God’s Provision

Sermon date: December 8, 2019

Scripture: Philippians 4:10-23

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– What can God provide us that lead us to rejoice in Him? (3 provisions)

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Joyful Life in Christ #8 – The Peace of God

Sermon date: December 1, 2019

Scripture: Philippians 4:2-9

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. What is the peace of God?

– II. How can we receive the peace of God?

– III. What can result when we have the peace of God?

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Famous Last Words

Sermon date: November 3, 2019

Scripture: 2 Timothy 3:14-4:8

Joseph Ferritto (Augustine Classical Academy)

CCCGA English Service

– I. Paul urges Timothy to continue in the faith.

– II. Paul instructs Timothy to tell the message of salvation to other people.

– III. Paul tells Timothy to be sober, be alert, and to be on guard.

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Joyful Life in Christ #6 – Press On Towards Spiritual Maturity

Sermon date: October 27, 2019

Scripture: Philippians 3:12-16

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– How can we be motivated to press on towards spiritual maturity? (3 ways)

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Joyful Life in Christ #5 – True Joy from Knowing Jesus

Sermon date: October 13, 2019

Scripture: Philippians 3:1-11

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. What should we be careful of as we seek for joy in this life?

– II. How can we truly rejoice in the Lord?

– III. What is the result of true rejoicing in the Lord?

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Joyful Life in Christ #4 – Encouragement for a Life Worthy of the Gospel

Sermon date: October 6, 2019

Scripture: Philippians 1:27; 2:3-4, 12-30

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– How can we be encouraged to live a life worthy of the gospel? (3 ways)

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Joyful Life in Christ #3 – A Life Worthy of the Gospel

Sermon date: September 29, 2019

Scripture: Philippians 1:27-2:11

Pastor Ivan Yu

CCCGA English Service

– I. What should be a life goal of a Christian?

– II. By what means can we obtain this goal?

– III. What mindset can we have to obtain this goal?

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